Messages of Thanks from your President and Chairman

Message from your President,
I would like to express my gratitude and a BZ to all those who were able to line the route for funeral cortèges of our friends and Shipmates John, the postie Jeffery, and Charles ‘H’ Thompson. They will both be missed. Judging by the comments on social media we certainly left a good impression.
Once again, many thanks.

Ben Cartwright

Message from your Chairman,
Shipmates, I want to thank all who gathered at the roadside, both at the Crematorium and Portland, to pay their respects to S/M’s Charles H Thompson and John Jeffrey. Although we were unable to attend the funeral services, I am sure both families appreciated our limited involvement. The Area and Branch Standards accompanied the hearse to the Crematorium Chapel at S/M Charles H’s Service. As S/M John Jeffrey’s cortège passed by the gathered Members in Weston Road, the Branch & HMS Ajax Standards were dipped.

Alex Oswald