VJ Service All Saints Church

Many thanks to Alex, Pete Shoesmith, Pete Foster, Ginge Sarsfield and Alf Larkin who braved the weather and attended the VJ Service in All Saints Church Yard.
The Civic Service was held outdoors to keep within the Covid guidelines and a fair weather eye was kept on the conditions.
The service was arranged by the Town Mayor, Sandra West, who invited Vice Admiral Tony Johnstone-Burt CB, OBE, DL to be the Guest of Honour. For those not in the know he is the Master of the Queens Household and has a residence in Underhill.
Paula Brown, the Mayors Chaplain led the service during which wreathes were laid at the Memory Stone, the Last Post was sounded by ‘Rod’ Wilde and the Branch, HMS Ajax Association and two Weymouth, Portland and District Merchant Navy Standards were dipped.

The next planned event is a short outdoor sevice at the Merchant Navy/Avalanche Memorial in St George’s Churchyard on Thursday 3rd September. Time to be confirmed.

Ben Cartwright
RNA Portland Branch