Standard Bearer’s Report

Shipmates. On behalf of your Standard Bearer, Ben Cartwright, please note the following events:
Monday 14th March at 1030 – Commonwealth Flag Raising Moment – Weymouth Town Council Offices, Commercial Road.
Monday 25th April at 1045 for 1100 – Anzac Memorial Day Service at the Memorial on the seafront, Weymouth.
Friday 27th May at 1100 – Christchurch & District Branch Standard Dedication at Christchurch Priory.
Monday 30th May at 1045 for 1100 – US Memorial Day Service at the Memorial on the seafront, Weymouth.
Friday 17th to Sunday 19th June – Falklands 40 in Portsmouth –
F40 booking form:
Saturday 18th to Monday 20th June – Armed Forces Weekend in Weymouth. The Service and Parade on Sunday 19th. Armed Forces Flag Raising on Monday 20th.