Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

On the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, messages from the Standard Bearer and Chairman of No 4 Area.
Thu 08/09/2022 18:58
Ben Cartwright
Regina Mortis
The Area Standard is dressed with the mourning drapes and medals are reversed.
Wishing a calm sea and a fair wind.
Long live the King.
Area Standard Bearer
From: Ron Burdekin
Sent: 08 September 2022 20:11
To: Alan Cox, MSM
Subject: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
I should be pleased if you would circulate the following to the Area.
I know that all Shipmates in Area 4 and beyond will unite in mourning the passing of the Queen, the longest serving Monarch in the history of the Country. Many of our number will have personal memories of our late Patron, and many will have known no other Monarch.
The Queen is dead. Long live King Charles lll.
No.4 Area.
Royal Naval Association