Funeral of Shipmate John Jeffrey

Message from your Chairman

Shipmates, The funeral of S/M John Jeffrey who Crossed the Bar recently takes place on Friday 15th of May. As we are unable to attend, it has been suggested by S/M Arthur Copus that it might be a nice gesture in the way of a send off from Branch Members if we could muster a small group to line the roadside as his hearse passes by. The hearse will arrive Tophill via Easton Lane and will depart Easton Square at 1315 and go via Reforne, Weston Road, AvalancheSouthwell, Wakeham and on to Weymouth. Taking social distancing into account I think a good spot would be the stretch of pavement alongside St George’s church south of the Lych Gate (room for 42 six feet apart) You could possibly use this outing as part of your daily exercise. If you would like to join us could you reply to me at or Tel 821987

Alex Oswald
RNA Portland Branch