iPad Training Arranged by Portland Branch

The Pilgrim House in Weymouth’s Hope Square was the chosen venue for some serious Project Semaphore iPad training, due its great facilities and best deal in the area for such an undertaking.
Ten local clients were organised by Shipmate Richard Gray, Webmaster of the Portland Branch.  Clients from Dorchester, Christchurch and Portland gathered for a very enthusiastic learning session lasting some two hours on Saturday morning 9th December.  Training staff from Plymouth and Hampshire provided the expertise required to encourage the students and develop their iPad skills.
The highlight of the session was to witness Shipmate Steve Skerman speaking to his son in America, whilst seeing him at the same time, on line.
The Project Semaphore team from Central Office deserve a huge vote of thanks for turning out in force, they were Sarah, Sue and Julie supported by volunteers Nick and Molly. It should be said that you have left some very happy customers behind. BZ
The Portland Branch are more than happy to provide the facilities again, if required having learned a great deal this time and will do even better next time.
Yours aye
Dan Sherren
Portland Chairman
No. 4 Area PRO
Note from the webmaster ~ Many thanks to Maureen for helping to arrange the venue and looking after us on the day, providing endless supplies of tea, coffee, and biscuits, ably assisted by our new ‘plate layer’ Dan 😊