Presentation of cheque to the West Dorset Motor Neurone Disease Association

Shipmates ~ At the monthly Branch meeting on Wednesday 7th June, Dr Richard Sloan, Chairman of the West Dorset Motor Neurone Disease Association, was presented with a cheque for £750, by the Vice Chairman Shipmate Nigel Rimell, along with Shipmate Dave Prowse. This was our chosen charity for 2016, so Bravo Zulu for raising this amount Shipmates.

Dr Richard thanked the Branch for our generosity, saying the funds would help towards providing support to those affected by the disease. Our thanks go to Dave Prowse, our Social Sec, for organising the presentation.




Dave has since received the following email from Dr Richard:

“Dear David,
Thank you very much once more for the most generous cheque from your Shipmates. I very much enjoyed the welcome at your meeting and the sense of camaraderie and fun. Your donation is much appreciated in the funding of research and also going to help support current MND patients and their families.
Please pass on my thanks to all at your Branch.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Sloan.