Remembrance Day Services

Shipmates. Message received by your Secretary:

You and any members of the R.N.A are invited to attend Portland Day of Remembrance service at Portland Cenotaph on Sunday 13th November 2022 at 11am. As usual we will be processing from the Drill Hall, along Easton Road, starting at 10.20am, or you can join us at the Cenotaph at 10.50am. Mrs Paula Brown and myself will be conducting the service. You may bring a wreath to lay at the foot of the Cenotaph at the appropriate time in the service. At 12.30pm there will be short service of remembrance at the American Memorial in Victoria Garden in Underhill.

In the evening there will be a church service in St Andrews Church, Southwell (NOT St Johns church, Fortuneswell as previously announced) at 6.30pm

We hope that either you or some other members will be able to join us in this solemn event.

Yours truly

Rev Tim Gomm

Team Rector of Portland Parish.
The Rectory
Ventnor Road,

(Usual day off – Friday)
01305 820103
07763 232423