Trafalgar Night at RNA Chard Branch 2017


Please find a copy of my report on a very good weekend with the Chard branch and others.

Notwithstanding Storm Brian.

Branches from all over the South West Flotilla (No. 4 Area) of the Royal Naval Association having been cordially invited, mustered at the well appointed Shrubbery Hotel in Ilminster on Saturday 21st October 2017 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Chard Branch, and also to Commemorate the death of Vice-Admiral Horatio Viscount Nelson.

Over 80 honoured guests and Shipmates gathered for a reception at 1900 and welcomed the top table in our normal generous fashion. Branch President Shipmate Roy Lovell and Chairman Malcolm Day welcomed everyone and set the scene for the evening. Number 4 area Chaplain Geoffrey Walsh offered Nelson’s Grace and a very fine dinner was served.

The President of Number 4 area Shipmate David White MBE MSM who was accompanied by his wife Monica, gave a very informative after dinner speech.
The Loyal Toast was offered by Commodore David Pond, patron of the Chard Branch.

There followed presentations; flowers for the Ladies and various gifts to other guests. Shipmate Dan Sherren MSM, the Portland branch Chairman asked Area Life Vice President Charles H Thompson BEM MSM to present a 30th anniversary gift of an engraved glass rose bowl from the Portland Branch, to the President of Chard Branch.

The entertainment (Paul Anthony), raffles (Josie and Maureen won four each) and splicing of the main-brace were highlights of the very well organised evening.


Finally, proceedings were brought to a timely close with the last Waltz, a hymn – The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Over, followed by a Royal Marines Sunset, and Pipe Down.




The following day the Chard Branch members and some of the guests from the previous evening attended the Trafalgar church service at St Thomas’ Church, Cricket St Thomas, during which two Standards were paraded (Chard Branch and Redruth). Following the service those attending relocated to the nearby Cricket St Thomas Golf Club for refreshments prior to departing to their various destinations.


We look forward to joining the Chard Branch again, sooner rather than later. BZ.

Dan Sherren MSM
Portland Chairman
Area 4 PRO