No 4 Area Reunion 2023

Shipmates. From your Secretary Shipmate Christine Tuck:
I have received details of the dates for the 2023 Area Reunion Rally. Pete Shoesmith is our Branch Representative and he needs to co-ordinate numbers who wish to attend. Can you please contact Pete with names/numbers and if single occupancy rooms are required? Pete will then total everything and reply to the Reunion Committee.
Many thanks
No 4 Area Reunion 2023
As announced at the Area Meeting in St Austell on 14th May 2022, the 2023 Area Reunion will be held at the Durrant House Hotel, Bideford from 1500 Friday 3rd March to 1000 Monday 6th March. The hotel is booked, the committee is in planning mode and now we need a little help from you to estimate numbers of attendees and final costs.
Could you please speak/message your branch members at the earliest opportunity and provide answers to the following questions.
How many of your branch members and partners are likely to attend?
Of this number how many would require single occupancy rooms?
Yours aye
Mike Lawton
Reunion Chairman